9333 Sweet Valley Drive
Valley View, Ohio 44125-4229
Phone: 216-573-0400
Fax: 216-573-0403
Website: www.cejatc.org
Hours: 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
The Cleveland Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust selects and train the best candidates for a wide variety of electrical construction jobs. The trade school supplies competent, well-educated journeyman workers along with continuing education classes relevant to the electrical construction industry. These workers fall under the collectively bargained agreements between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #38 and the National Electrical Contractors Association, Greater Cleveland Chapter.
All Journeymen continuing education and upgrade training classes can be found on the Cleveland Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training website.
The JATC is now accepting applications on-line, 24/7. To complete an application for the apprenticeship program go to www.cejatc.org, click on the “Apprenticeship Applications” tab and follow the instructions. If you have any questions, please submit them in the space provided on the website.